Changelog for release 2.16.2 (04.03.2021)
- Optimizations in solver with regards to the speed of analysis
- Slight modification to drift on impermeable nets
Solver can be updated by choosing Check for updated solver in the new version dialog, or using Help -> Check for updated solver in AquaEdit
- Added DOF (translational only) handling to .tpe file import
- Added documentation for .tpe files in the AquaEdit manual
- FAQ on Website
- Moved a DLL from %appdata%/local/temp to the installation folder for better system compatibility
- Emit connectors on hex nets enabled by default
- Subdivide on MembraneX elements now subdivides into 4 quads, rather than just two
- The rotation intent property window no longer closes after clicking execute
- Opening rotation no longer pre-fills from/to fields to avoid confusing rotations
- Added option to open the new log location in the Help menu (Open log file directory)
- Hex nets now show the definition of the geometry in the visualization
- Fixed generating irregular waves not using the last set significant wave height when using the drop-down menu to generate the waves
- Irregular waves with 0 amplitude are no longer automatically removed
- Hydrodynamic cross section viewer displays the waterline z if offset
- Added option to move cross section by a set value (note: does not take into account mirrored cross sections)
- Overlapping points in hydrodynamic cross sections now cause an error message
- Overlapping visual cross sections give a warning (can cause visual disturbance, does not affect analysis)
- Moved a DLL from %appdata%/local/temp to the installation folder for better system compatibility
- Showing cross section now fits the whole cross section on the screen
- Terrain now loads in the default colour map for terrain, instead of the default colour map for stress, on first load
- Stress/Terrain colours can now be imported and exported from the Settings dialog
- The element result dialog can now open the AVS/AVZ file a PFAT file was based on, and max-out files can also open the AVS/AVZ file that contains the max result
- New interaction model, see Website for more information
- Element stress table values now formated the same as the stress values on the stress colour map bar
- Welcome screen added to show potential new information after installing a new version