Changelog for release 2.16.3 (28.09.2021)
- Nets now calculate % of quad above surface for more correct loads
- Waves can now have a cresting factor, to simulate cresting waves
- Impermeable nets can now have vacuum suction onto the surface
- Wave amplitude reduction and Current reduction now also available on hydrodynamic elements
- Increased accuracy of node positions when very far from origin (visual issue, only)
- Dynamic winds added to nets
- Density of wind changed from 1.21 to 1.27
- Improved slamming drag
- New user interface model (#1075)
- AquaEdit now supports docking windows to the left and right side of the main window
- Placements will be saved
- Support for workspaces has been removed
- Floating windows can now be locked to follow the movement of the main window
- Toolbar can be edited by right clicking on an empty area and unticking “locked”
- Floating windows will now “stick” to the side of the viewable area to avoid them being moved off screen.
- Status bar at the bottom of the screen has been slightly redesigned
- Shift+1 resets the view to default
- Ctrl-space introduced as a shortcut to always focus the XYZ (keyboard input) area of the status bar
- Tooltip on the intent explanation on the Status Bar now shows context sensitive tips and hints (#1254)
- Right clicking on the title of a docked panel lets user set the window to be maximised and take up any remaining space in the sidebar
- Fixed pointloads being added to all nodes proceeding a pointload in .tpe files
- DOF window position now resets when using Default workspace
- Membrane X elements can now be mirrored (#1224)
- Mirroring elements now has a preview
- Inactive components can be hidden from the component list automatically (#1206)
- Inactive components can be hidden from the model view automatically (#1206)
- Factor for cresting waves added (#1218)
- Fixed “split by timestep” trying to create AVZ files that didn’t exist (#1247)
- Subdividing Membrane X elements now splits on both axis (#1138)
- A warning will be displayed next to the solver version when exporting files if the latest solver is not selected (#1217)
- The default view and zoom level on startup can now be set in File -> Settings -> GUI and workspaces (#1243)
- Membrane volume calculations have been improved (#1234)
- Membranes can be multi-selected to be considered one, single mesh
- This fixes meshes being split into multiple component due to differing properties
- Open top/bottom no longer needs to be specified
- All holes in a mesh for volume calculations will be automatically detected and filled
- Membranes MUST create one, single, convex volume, otherwise calculations will be wrong
- Work is ongoing to allow meshes with correct normals on all panels to work regardless
- Membranes can be multi-selected to be considered one, single mesh
- Added an intent (tool) for drawing tubes (#1231)
- A preview of the tube is shown
- Circle tool now also shows a preview without requiring a mouse press
- This tool also works for Membrane X components
- Radius for top and bottom can be set individually
- Draw Membrane Rectangle renamed to Draw Grid (#1263)
- Draw Grid now also supports drawing in Membrane X components
- Verify Model now detects hinges on components other than beams as an error (#1289)
- Roller dialog will work even if an element is missing
- Stepping factor for rollers is now a decimal number (#1284)
- Fixed esoteric bug that can cause a model not to save(#1281)
- Clicking “Copy all to clipboard” in the element result dialog now shows a dialog with copy options
- Allows for selecting the format of the values
- Locale Specific formats the number according to the local number format on the PC (which can be pasted directly into Excel)
- Allows for selecting the format of the values
- Fixed removing stress colours not working
- Fixed removing terrain colours needing a stress colour to be selected to be removed
- Zooming to min/max of a component will now also set the correct timestep (#1223)
- Secondary results can now be removed (and added) through “Show loaded secondary results” (#1210)
- Moving between timesteps will now snap to the last full step first (#1210)
- E.g: ts = 4.4 will first go to 4, then 3.
- Distance to waterline added as a stress value (#1204)
- Membrane volume calculations have been improved (#1234)
- Membranes can be multi-selected to be considered one, single mesh
- Tools -> Calculate membrane volume
- A new dialog has been created to show volume over time, instead of graphic visualization
- Membranes can be multi-selected to be considered one, single mesh
- Projection can now be toggled between orthographic and oblique modes (#1253)
- Fixed bug where water surface did not correctly show wave period reduction on shallow surfaces (#1278)
- Closing the Loading dialog when opening files now stops AquaView from launching completely (#1267)
- Added Model information to the Tools menu (#1266)
- Added the Wave Height dialog to the Tools menu (#1266)
- Element result dialog now shows length of the selected element (#1279)
- Fixed ppreduce inverting vertical displacement values