See also hotfix 2.17.2-2982.
- Membrane and shell elements
- There has been carried out work both to improve convergence
- 3- noded membrane element
- There has been some fixes to the tree noded elements so they are more robust as to what geometry they may represent
- Loads to impermeable nets
- Smoother introduction of wave and current loads to impermeable nets when partly submerged
- There have been some adjustments of the handling of pressure from current velocity to impermeable nets applicable for cases where there is not a wall sided form of the net e.g cones
- Diffraction from MacCamy Fuchs is carried out only for the first iteration in analysis
- Shell elements.
- Accounting for weight change of elements leads to more difficult convergence. It has long been accounted for in trusses and beams, but not in membranes. Shell elements are normally more voluminous such that the effect of this is stronger. It is hence accounted for in such case
- Surface tarpaulins
- Surface tarp is based on membrane and in water line and was originally made to work in combination with in and out of water. It is now adjusted to be like that also if in and out of water is not chosen
- Morison free plate
- The depth dependency of the acceleration part of pressure is adjusted as is only accounted for approx. 80% of this formerly.
- Results to AquaView
- Modified such that Von Mises is written when that is marked and same for twine forces
- Other adjustments
- In and out of water truss and beam elements
- Formerly nodes and lines were modeled to a circle keeping track of how much of it being in or out of water for circular Morison load elements going in or out of water. This has been changed to an analytical expression being quicker.
- Key file
- The “Radius of gyration” presented in the key-file now include includes local effect of element
- Conv file
- Start time is written to the conv file beginning and the end time of the analysis as well as elapsed time is written at the end of the conv file
- Winch
- Adjustments to how pretension is accounted for in relation to winch velocity
- In and out of water truss and beam elements
- Rollers
- Adjustments to accuracy for rollers
- Adjusted solidity of Membrane 6 components to better match standarization efforts
Please use Help -> Check for updated solver to download 2.17.2
- Importing text files with off-axis AquaCross cross-sections now display a warning message
- NOTE: AquaCross data is not preserved when loading from text files, and can and will cause unwanted changes when re-exported Please use amodel files for exporting when possible
- Exported .bat files now includes a statement to not delete AVS files if avspack (conversion to AVZ) did not complete successfully (#1424)
- Running analysis through AquaEdit will display a message if the conversion from avs to avz failed (#1424)
- Fixed orthographic mode toggle not correctly setting the perspective/orthographic configuration on start up (#1253)
- Fixed “Find Node” not zooming accurately to the wanted node. (#1413)
- Generate Net can now take an optional bottom radius/circumference (#1423)
- Note: This radius has to be less than what will be generated from the default geometry.
- Generate Net now also allows for creating the net sides / wall (#1431)
- Updated UI for membrane load formulations (#1426)
- The UI for membranes has been updated with selection for the load type.
- Lice skirt, Closed Compartment, and Surface tarpaulin
- These limit the amount of parameters visible to aid the understanding of what properties are important for the specific load formulation
- A load model called General impermeable net opens all parameters
- The UI for membranes has been updated with selection for the load type.
- Node property window now has a check box to automatically turn all DOFs on or off (#1408)
- Visual cross section can now be scaled
- Consolidation of membrane x elements and regular elements (#1184 / #1265 / #1333 / 1396)
- New pointer / selection options allows for selecting and manipulating membrane x along with line elements
- Deleting, moving, scaling (#1422), rotating, mirroring, and duplicating are all supported for combinations of elements
- Deleting elements attached to hinges now shows a warning message (#1430)
- Automatically show snap locations when using drawing tools (#1435)
- Turn on using “Automatically snap to locations” in File -> Settings -> Drawing
- Cursor changes shape when drawing (#1433)
- Fixed winches not applying their maximum force when exporting (#1411)
- The split line intent now disables itself after clicking Split selection
- This stops accidental splitting
- Relative position views (#1433)
- When using hotkeys to change camera (home, page up, page down, left, right, up, down) the camera can optionally point at the selected geometry and remember the distance
- Turn on “Use relative view rotation” in File -> Settings -> Drawing
- Added ctrl-d as a hotkey to set the view to isometric looking at origin (0, 0, 0)
- When using hotkeys to change camera (home, page up, page down, left, right, up, down) the camera can optionally point at the selected geometry and remember the distance
- Added options to set the colour and thickness of preview geometry for the drawing tools
- Improved detection of point 3 being on or along the axis (#1428)
- Winch can now have a maximum force (#1411)
- Add command window (#1232)
- Added command window with default hotkey F9
- Note that many commands are incompatible with the command window
- Removed the Scripts pane in settings
- Using the split line intent now automatically cancels (changes to pointer intent) when the “Split” button is used.
- Several bugs in Intersect lines have been fixed (#1077)
- Updated Membrane 6 solidity calculations to match AquaSim (#1474)
- This includes changing the generation of elements. Thread diameter caused an offset to account for knots in previous versions. This is no longer done.
- See validation report TR-FOU-100004-1 at our documentation page for information
- Fixed lighting of water surface
- Fixed picking objects when orthographic mode is on (#1362)
- Projection mode can now be selected in Settings -> Visual -> Projection Mode (Perspective or Orthographic) (#1253)
- The Wave Height dialog now updates “live” with the analysis (#1414)
- Fixed timestep offset causing the element dialog to crash (#1440)
- Water visualization now linearly interpolate when timesteps are skipped (#1438)
- Rendering has generally been sped up, ~10-30% less CPU time needed
- Lights can be changed interactively by using F9 -> Show debug menu
- Fixed objects becoming pure white when scaled down
- Fixed terrain often not being visible without toggling depth colours
- Files with a timestep offset causes element dialog not to work (#1440)
- This CAN have introduced other bugs with element dialog and showing the current timestep
- Water visualization does not take into account skipped timesteps (#1438)
- Water surface is now linearly interpolated between the steps, matching the movement of elements and nodes
- Added an action (available through the command window) “Copy all component lengths” to get all component lengths in the clipboard
- avspack output has been tidied up, it no longer prints the additional files (#1424)
- Changed default reporting mode for ppreduce from average (AVG) to max
- Copy-paste supported in tables
- Tabs can be duplicated
- Improved rendering of graphs
- Note: File saving format has changed