Calculations Static Analysis
Last reviewed version: 2.16.2Enter Environmental Window
Before analysis can start, export parameters must be defined. In the Toolbar menu,
enter the Environmental window by selecting Export .
Time Series Parameters
Before a dynamic analysis is conducted, you are going to control the weight of the system through a static analysis. The weight of the system is controlled by consider the axial force in the wire.
In the section for time series, type Num total steps for waves= 0. This will leave only the static part of the analysis to be run. The static analysis will be conducted in 5 steps, as given in Preincrement. Make sure other settings are equivalent to the figure below.
In the section Advanced, navigate to Water volume correction, select the drop-down menu and choose With slamming.
The Water volume correction is a feature for selecting how AquaSim should correct the calculation of hydrodynamic properties of elements when they move in and out of water. Choosing With slamming, AquaSim will identify if BEAM elements with load formulation Morison submerged, are above or below the water surface. Hydrodynamic properties will be adjusted and updated for each analysis step. To get more insight in the different options for Water volume correction, please see the Theory Manual section Water volume correction.
Select Export in the lower right corner of the Environmental window. Decide for where you to save the analysis. Navigate to an appropriate place on your computer. In this case study, we have created an analysis folder in Documents\AquaSim\Analyses\CaseStudy02 called Static. Type an analysis name e.g., static_.
Select Export.
Run Analysis
The Analysis window appears, select Start or Start all
When the progress status in the Analysis window change to finished, and a green box appears the left of the status, the analysis is successfully completed without errors.