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Bottom contact: rope > Post processing dynamic analysis

Post processing dynamic analysis

Last reviewed version: 2.18.0

You should now investigate how much the bottom weight propagates along the seabed due to waves and current. Open the .avz-file in AquaView. Select Results > Displacement > Displacement X [m]. Select the element closest to the bottom weight and start the playback of the analysis.


In this case study the bottom weight will displace approximately 4.8 meters in x-direction. Your results may be different because of solver version, but the difference should not be significant. The frictional force at the bottom weight can be regulated by adjusting the value of Dynamic friction horizontal. To further investigate the input values, you may activate the Result printing Velocities in the Export menu in AquaEdit. Then you can plot the velocity of the bottom point in AquaView. The case study tutorial is finished.
