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Bottom contact: rope > Post processing static analysis

Post processing static analysis

Last reviewed version: 2.18.0

Open the .avz-file in AquaView. Select Results > Displacement > Displacement Z [m]. Select the element closest to the bottom weight and start the play back of the analysis as shown in the figure below.


Observe how the float find its equilibrium position by displacing in negative x-direction. This happens due to the weight of the rope and bottom weight pulls downwards. Further, the node connected to the bottom weight will have a displacement of approximate 1.2 m downwards from its initial position. This is due to spring stiffness of the seabed. If you do not want the node to displace this much, you can adjust this by selecting another value for the Bottom parameter found in AquaEdit. But have in mind that a stiffer system will enhance the risk of no convergence.

Static considerations are finished. Close AquaView.