Post processing analysis
Last reviewed version: 2.18.1We open the .avz-file in AquaView and select Result > Local section forces > Axial force [N] to see how the axial force in the Suspension rope develop when the box hits the net. Start the playback and watch the animation.
In the figure above, the axial force in one of the Suspension ropes are plotted. One can see that the forces increase and fluctuates when contact between the box and net is established. There are some fluctuations in the force, and the time-stepping settings may need more assessing to find the best fit. Fluctuations can also be due to the Suspension ropes being soft and that resonance effects may play a role. The user is encouraged to first establish simplified models of the problem investigated and conduct sensitivity studies to find a suitable combination for time-stepping and impact-parameters for the contact.
Other results in AquaView that is of interest is the ones found in Result > Contact. Here you can plot relative distance between elements, forces that arise from impact and damping forces. In the below figure, the relative distance between the box and the net is shown.