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Component contact: Falling box > Summary


Last reviewed version: 2.18.1

This case study introduces how contact can be established between elements in AquaSim. This is done by analyzing a box that is free to fall into a net. The basic principles of establishing a Component contact-table with its parameters are explained. When deciding for values of these parameters, the user should assess the nature of the problem; what type of structures are to interact and material properties. Can the impact be considered elastic or plastic, or something in between? Is damping substantial? In addition, the time-stepping settings in the Export menu should be subject to investigation; should the number of steps be increased, and the convergence criteria lowered to make sure that essential response is captured? This can be evaluated through a sensitivity study for example.

At last, an analysis is run to demonstrate how impact and collisions can be resolved and which result options that is available for contact simulations.