Calculations Static Analysis
Last reviewed version: 2.16.2Enter Environmental window
From the Toolbar menu in AquaEdit, select Export . You should run a static
analysis and control key parameters for equilibrium in the model.
Select the tab Normal. Prepare the static analysis by making selections as described in the figure below. We have highlighted the selection for Water volume correction to be Normal. This is due to the type Hydrodynamic, for the floating collar, is not supported with the adjustments provided for the With slamming-option.
Select Export. Navigate to a folder where you want to save the analysis. We have chosen Documents\AquaSim\Analyses\CaseStudy03\Static. Type an analysis name e.g., static. Select Export from the folder navigation window.
Run static analysis
The Analyse window opens. Start the analysis by selecting Start or Start all.
The analysis is successfully completed when the square in the upper left corner of the Analyse window gets green with the status finished.