Postprocessing Static Analysis
Last reviewed version: 2.16.2Check of buoyancy
You should now check and compare key parameters from the static analysis. Go to your analysis folder Documents\AquaSim\Analyses\CaseStudy04\Static and load the file static01key.txt.
Navigate to the section Weight in total for each element group and copy the weight statistics to the calculation sheet as established in CaseStudy03.
The In water buoyancy of the floating collar and In water weight of mooring components should be compared to the figures achieved in CaseStudy03.
The resulting buoyancy of the floating collar in CaseStudy04 is approximate half of what achieved in CaseStudy03. This is due to how the volume is calculated. For elements of type Morison submerged (CaseStudy03) volume of the whole floating pipe is included, upon static equilibrium this is adjusted. For elements of type Hydrodynamic (CaseStudy04) the submerged volume as defined in the input is included. Remember, for type Hydrodynamic AquaSim calculates hydrostatic properties based on the values defined in AquaEdit.
The in water weight of mooring components compare well between CaseStudy04 and CaseStudy03. This will affect the pretension of the mooring components.
Check of key parameters
In your static01key.txt-file, navigate down to the section saying Total, all elements. You are to compare the differences in how Diffrac and Weight elements (N) / Mass elements (kg) have changed between CaseStudy04 and CaseStudy03.
The Diffrac has increased in CaseStudy04 compared to CaseStudy03. This is due the buoyancy in the simplified model has reduced, as described in step number 26.
The Weight elements (N) / Mass elements (kg) is more or less the same. This is because the weight and mass of the two models compare well.
Exit the static01key.txt-file.
Open results in AquaView
Load static01.avz in AquaView. Press Play from the playback menu and observe
the response of your model.
Zoom in on structural details and see how the model displaces.
Pretension of mooring components
As a result of the mooring component’s weight in water, they will achieve a pretension. The pretension is found by plotting axial forces. From the Toolbar menu, select Result > Local section forces > Axial force [N].
Copy the rows for component number 4 to 6 and paste it in the calculation sheet. Compare the figures between CaseStudy04 and CaseStudy03.
AS seen, the figures compare well between the two case studies.
Static considerations are now finished. Exit AquaView and the Analyse window from AquaEdit.