Import of data
Last reviewed version: 2.18.0Data can be imported in several ways:
- Through manually typing data line-by-line by applying the Insert line option,
- Paste it from the clipboard,
- Or, through selecting File > Import File…
Following this tutorial is some example data. To import this, select File > Import file… Navigate to where you saved this tutorial an select AquaHarmony_test_data.xlsx > Open.
The progress-bar indicates that data is imported to AquaHamony.
The imported data will be visible in the Raw data-section.
The Time column provides the time for when the measurement was conducted. For the current version of AquaHarmony, the input format for time must be hour:hour:minute:minute:second:second. Speed is the measured current velocity at the given time instant. Direction is the direction of the current, measured in degrees.