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PostProc > Load PPFilter

Load PPFilter

Last reviewed version: 2.19.0

PPFilter can be loaded in the same manner as PPReduce; either by right-click on an avz-file, or search “Postprocessor” from the start-menu on your computer.

Right-click on an avz-file is shown below.

Open post process

Loading PPFilter (and PPReduce) form the start-menu is shown below.

Post process windows menu

When Postprocessor is loaded you will first be presented to the PPReduce tool. In the upper part of the window, you can see two tabs: PPReduce and PPFilter. Select the tab PPFilter.

Selecting PPFilter

The interface of PPFilter enable the user to input a file and select where the output-file should be saved. Further, you choose if the files should be split by specific timesteps, split the files into a specific number of timesteps, or report every nth number of timestep. Execute will run the program and generate an output file based on your selections.